Monday 20 January 2014

unit 3 - moving image

today we started a new unit in the first step and we had to do about moving images example for every moving image we had to but it in a heading fictinal factual and promotional for all these things.
TV Quiz
Corporate Video
News item
Short film
Political Broadcast
YouTube clips
Music Video
hi my name is Benjamin pinchbeck and this is my blog on my first unit this unit is about 3 ideas for a horror movie throw this blogger I will be telling you what I have been doing to succeed to my first unit.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

how are ASA and ofcom

ASA stands for Advertising Standards Authority they are the uk's independent regulator of advertising across all media, they sign the Aver Codes, which are written by the Committees of  they work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against they Stop misleading, harmful or offensive averts.

ofcom are The independent regulator and competition authority for the uk communications industries. also included sections on codes and guidelines, consultations  and they bad averts        

hello people this is what i did last week

On the Wednesday 8th January I did my draft script show the basic of what my actors on the guidelines of what they will be saying. Then next what I did was I did my final draft an on my final draft I wrought word for word what my actors for my horror movie trailer will be saying.

On the Friday 10th January I did my storyboard and my short list in my storyboard I did a short sheet on there I drew a small pictures showing what I would like it to look like in my movie. Then what I did was I wrought a short sentence to what my actor/actors will be saying in my horror movie trailer.

Then I did my short list. In my short list what I'm doing camera shots and in which scene am I doing the shots in

call sheet
final script
the End
call sheet
risk assessment

Tuesday 10 December 2013

today Toby and David did there pitch presentations to day this where very good. For Toby Toth-Lane Good vocals I could hear them from year 10 form 10T4  the response from the people how where there for the hole thing was very positive with an amazing amount of slides to keep the audience occupied and I thing he deserved his 2B M3 . Know with David Allen's pitch
 He was good but the only things he got wrong personally is he stood there looking all nerves and sound like he was a robot but he and had a lot

Pitch an idea, in one format, for a digital media product demonstrating basic written communication techniques.

Pitch an idea, in two formats, for a digital media product demonstrating appropriate use of verbal and written communication techniques.
Pitch an idea, in two formats, for a digital media product demonstrating effective use of verbal and written communication techniques.
Pitch an idea, in two formats, for a digital media product demonstrating confident and correct use of verbal and written communication techniques.

Monday 2 December 2013

today we wrote about our film proposal to sell our film in my film it is about the end of the world  with 3 main characters. my 3 main characters will be played by Tom Reddin, Toby-Toth-Lane and David Allan.  

Monday 25 November 2013

today i have learned what all regulations mean this is an example libel law is it is a false statement that could harm a individual business,product,group,government,religion or nation i have also learned what False statements mean lie to something etc business or a goverment.